分享|专业知识的未来 Andrew Abbott: The Future of Expert Knowledge

分享|专业知识的未来 Andrew Abbott: The Future of Expert Knowledge


阿伯特教授于2017年12月德国研究基金会(DFG)主持召开的「关于社会学知识的社会学」(The Sociology of Sociological Knowledge)会议上的主题演讲。


不同规模和时间尺度的历史力量结合在一起,似乎对专业知识的本质突然造成了危机。这些力量中,一些是新的,另一些则历史悠久,故此,它们的结合(conjuncture) 很难诠释。在这篇演讲中,Professor Abbott 将把当下分解成几个具有不同的时间特征的不同过程的交集,然后用相对应的分解方式来提出可能的干预点。通过对这些力量进行仔细的归类,并指明它们彼此的对位关系,目的是全面分析专业知识的情况。

The conjuncture of a number of historical forces, operating at several different time scales, conspires to create a crisis in expert knowledge and in “knowing” more broadly. These forces include unidirectional phenomena like the social democratization of education, the development of automated forms of knowing, the imposition of neoliberal management on the world of expertise, and the drift away from discursive towards imagistic embodiments of knowledge. But it also involves cyclical phenomena like the maturation of the twentieth-century knowledge paradigm and the demographic transition in expert populations.

Professor Abbott enumerates and relates these various historical rhythms and speculates on the possible futures of expertise.


Andrew Abbott is the Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago.

Abbott’s major research interests lie in the sociology of occupations, professions, and work, the sociology of culture and knowledge, and social theory.

Abbott also has longstanding interests in methods, heuristics, and the philosophy and practice of sociology.


中译正式刊载于《清华社会学评论:第12辑》,46-68页。版权归原作者与社会科学文献出版社。阅读中译版: 清华社会学评论12 | 安德鲁·阿伯特:专业知识的未来



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发布于 2021-06-01 08:29